The nature is the best.

The interaction between washi cloth and the skin.

Let's enjoy a healthy and environmentally friendly new lifestyle.



Founder and Japanese Wash Paper fabric researcher, Toru Itoi, ursued the development of Japanese paper fibers as “sustainable quality” based on over 25 years of research, and achieved the device-implementation of JapaneseWashi paper yarn production (patented).
We are disseminating proposals for a healthy lifestyle utilizing Japanese Washi Paper, which can also be considered a by product of sustainable forest cycling, to the world.
Japanese Washi Paper is an important part of Japan’s culture and a gift from nature. The nature is the best.


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Our Mission

Our mission is to spread and establish worldwide the joy of the interaction between bare skin and Japanese Washi Paper, a sensation that embodies the essence of our beliefs. We eagerly anticipate the final product development by those who resonate with our philosophy.
Japanese Washi Paper fiber products should be durable, long-lasting, and require fewer washes due to the action of microorganisms.

About Washi

In traditional Japanese homes, spaces are divided using washi paper, represented by shoji screens and fusuma sliding doors.
A thin sheet of paper has played a role in natural humidity control and regulating temperature. Moreover, countless microorganisms reside in the porous holes of nature, contributing to purifying the space.
Japanese Washi paper is one of the proud symbols of Japanese culture.

Development Concept

The foundation of our development is to utilize the blessings of nature as much as possible in their natural state without additives. Therefore, we aim for a design with a JapaneseWashi Paper blend ratio that touches the skin of 100% or as close to 100% as possible.
In the process of making Japanese Washi Paper yarn, we have invented patented devices that enable stable quality and productivity.

Materials & Environment

The Japanese Washi Paper fiber raw materials handled by Itoitex include grasses and trees from around the world, currently mainly abaca and softwood trees.
As trees undergo generational turnover and become less efficient at absorbing CO2, they are harvested and used as building materials, much like humans, going through generational turnover.
The leftover scraps from this process are utilized to produce pulp, which serves as the raw material for paper.
The byproduct of sustainable forest circulation becomes the machinery-made, extremely thin Japanese Washi Paper that our company handles.

Products Application

Introduction of products made by our cloth and yarn.

Messages from Toru Itoi

A special message from Toru Itoi, founder of ITOITEX and researcher of washi cloth, delivered in his own words.